Information for Families
Merit System
To be eligible for the spring trip, students must earn 8 full merits by Spring Break.
Participation - work a two-hour shift at a fundraising event. Parent work also counts for merits but cannot exceed half of total merits earned. Fundraising events include (but are not limited to):
Car wash
Night of Dance
String Spectacular
Spaghetti Supper
Fundraising - sell the required amount of tickets, or use your HYP Grocery Store Cards. Each of the following is worth 1 merit:
Sell 4 Night of Dance tickets
Earn $25 profit through grocery cards
Fulfill initial SnapRaise email request
Donations - donate food, paper goods, etc. for 2 different fundraising events as needed.
Special Ensembles - perform in 2 special ensembles earns 1 merit. These include, but aren't limited to:
BHSN Evening of the Arts
BHSS Fine Arts Night
Spaghetti Supper
ISSMA Contest - participate in at least 2 events at District Solo-Ensemble, or participate in State Solo-Ensemble
First Chair - fulfill all special responsibilities that are required by being a section leader: model example of leadership, effort, classroom/rehearsal conduct, dedication, number measures, bowing, play in special ensembles, holiday concert decorations, pep talks, and sectional meetings.
Private Lessons - take private lessons on your orchestral instrument. Full year attendance required and confirmed by the private teacher on a form distributed by Mr. Hansen and Ms. Enzinger.
Summer Music Program - attend a bona fide summer music camp program that runs at least one week (summer before the school year). Must have performed on your orchestral instrument. Participation is confirmed in writing on a form distributed by Mr. Hansen and Ms. Enzinger.
All State Orchestra - be selected for and participate in the Indiana All State Honors Orchestra. Listen in class for announcements about the audition procedure and deadline.
Executive Council - complete the duties of your elected office.
Manager's Crew - be part of the crew that assists the manager in ste up and/or tear down at each formal concert and rehearsals. Attendance is taken. Members are expected to be early/stay late and work for every event (limited space on crew).
Middle School/Elementary Manager's Crew - be part of a small crew that assists in set up AND tear down at elementary and middle school events. You must be available on the applicable dates.
Outstanding Honor - may be awarded by Mr. Hansen and Ms. Enzinger for an outstanding musical honor, such as a concerto award.
HYP Board Chair - a parent who serves as a chair or co-chair of an activity earns four merits for their child
Concert Attire
If a freshman, sophomore, or new to the orchestra, please pay the $100 fee for concert attire.
You can choose to pay in one of three ways:
Write a check made out to HYP and give it directly to Ms. Enzinger in orchestra class.
Pay by Venmo: @HYP-Treasurer
Please include a note with the student's name, grade level, and school.
Note that you will be charged a 3% ($3) credit card fee.
Pay by PayPal: @hyporchestra -OR-
Please include a note with the student's name, grade level, and school.
Note that you will be charged a 3% ($3) credit card fee.
Communication Channels
Skyward: information sent out by Jon Hansen and Juli Enzinger
- sent to all parents of students enrolled in orchestra classes
Booster president email list (Mailchimp) signup:
- emails sent to all subscribers by the booster organization president
- HYP (Hoosier Youth Philharmonic) ~ News & Events